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The Calming Power of Numbers - 8.5 minutes

The Calming Power of Numbers - 8.5 minutes

In this meditation we will use a number-breath technique that can be quite effective with calming stress and anxiety. When we are experiencing anxiety we often are in flight-fight mode. By introducing numbered breathing into the situation, we engage parts of the brain that are typically not active when we experience flight-fight mode. Techniques such as the one we will be using in this meditation, require other brain regions to "come back online" which can greatly help us to restore some balance and calm. 

Feel free to sit relaxed with your eyes closed and just listen to the meditation. Watching the slideshow of farm images is not necessary. However, if closing your eyes increases your sense of unease, feel free to keep your eyes open and allow the images to wash over your mind. Or better yet, try it both ways.

If you are new to meditation, you might want to first have a look at a couple of short videos for Getting Started with Meditation to get the most out of your meditation time. 




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  • Diana Shaffner