We are no longer providing tours for the public. However, our patrons are welcome to visit their sponsored animals as usual :)

Meet Patrick

Meet Patrick

Patrick is Good Acres' handsome shepherd. This boy is always happy. Patrick joined our crew in 2013 after having been thrown from a car along a busy highway. The vet estimated him to be somewhat over two years old at the time. However, his body looked like that of a puppy with an unusually big head for a puppy. The reason for this unusual body confirmation was, stunt growth due to starvation during his first two years of life. This boy has had a very difficult start into life to say the least! He had a lot of catching up to do and that's exactly what he did. During the first three months at the sanctuary his body seemed to tripple in size! 

Patrick is nothing but pure joy to be around. 

Please consider becoming Patrick's sponsor to help care for him for many more years to come.


above: protecting the newly delivered hay bales



above: Patrick loves his sister Lucy. Actually he loves all other dogs


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  • Diana Shaffner